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Specialist Services & Supported Living

Often our service users have a dual diagnosis, which requires the staff team to have experience in working with individuals who have complex needs. TLC Homecare support individuals with a broad range of support requirements including:

  • Mild to severe learning disabilities
  • Down’s Syndrome
  • Global Development Delay
  • Autism
  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Challenging Behaviour

We have experience of supporting people with complex needs since 2003, via our group experience of outreach support and within the houses we support under supported living. Additionally we have over 18 years+ of experience of working with complex services in domiciliary care settings and supporting people with personal care and help with developing daily living skills, alongside supporting people in day centres.

Our dedicated team of support workers have received specialist training which includes:

  • Additional induction training
  • Managing Violence & Aggression
  • Dealing with Challenging Behaviour
  • Understanding learning disabilities
  • Autism

Our sister organisation WarrenCare has specialised in delivering domiciliary and outreach services to adults with mental health problems since 2003. Our Support Services team is managed by experienced support managers with appropriate qualifications in mental health services. We employ a team of support workers who specialise in supporting adults with mental health problems. The team has many years of experience supporting adults with a range of mental health problems including:

  • Dementia
  • Bi-polar
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • OCD
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Personality Disorders

We believe that a person centred approach is essential to successfully supporting individuals with mental health problems. We tailor support to enable the person to achieve the outcomes that are important to them and for them e.g. ensuring their health and wellbeing.

Through our group experience we can provide many care and support solutions, we are always happy to chat them though with you directly.

Having your own home is one of the most basic, but most fulfilling aspirations. Our sister organisation WarrenCare has provided supported living services since 2003. This is a specialist service tailored for individuals who have learning disabilities, physical disabilities and high dependency needs, such as Autism, visual impairments and Epilepsy. We provide a support service that enables a person to live independently in their own home with twenty four hour support.

Each of our supported living services is supported by a dedicated, consistent, experienced staff team and services include:

  • Support to develop independent living skills including: shopping, household chores, planning and preparing meals, budgeting and paying bills, cooking and cleaning.
  • Support to access the local community and develop links and relationships within the community and sustain social networking.
  • Support with personal care
  • Support to help maintain their tenancy

If you chose supported Living, We would support you to live as independently as possible within your own home, and empower you to make decisions that will impact on your care. We will ensure that the people chosen to support you will be trained to meet your needs. We would assist you with the transition of moving into your new accommodation and work with you to facilitate a person centred plan. This will set out your hopes and dreams for the future and the choices you would like to make and how we can support you to make these things happen. It may include things like managing your finances, using public transport, making friends or sustaining relationships and also finding employment.

We will always act in your best interests, and where necessary work with other agencies to ensure your voice is heard.

We believe that the key to providing successful dementia services that support people with dementia to achieve stability, develop and maintain their independence within the community is:

  • Person centred services
  • Continuity of care workers
  • Staff training
  • Knowledge and understanding of dementia

Person Centred Services

  • Person centred planning (PCP) can be particularly important for service users with dementia who are no longer able to communicate their likes and preferences verbally.
  • The PCP process can ensure family members & friends are involved in producing a plan that helps care workers to understand who the service user is, what is important to them, what they like/dislike, how they communicate that they are happy/unhappy/upset etc.
  • An understanding of who a person is/their history etc can assist a care worker to support that person and develop a relationship.


  • We strive to achieve continuity for all of our service users but this is particularly important to achieve stability for people with dementia.
  • It is essential that service users are able to develop relationships and routines with their care worker.
  • Care workers must develop an understanding of the service user, how they communicate and how to encourage them to accept assistance and support. We achieve this by:
  1. Identifying a small team of care workers who have received specialist training
  2. Allocating regular workers to each service user
  3. Introducing a small number of alternate workers
  4. Preparing the service user for periods of planned absence
  5. Providing photographs of care workers to act as a prompt for service users where this is beneficial

Maintaining & Developing Independence

  • During assessment and the PCP process the service user will be asked what their goals are and how the service can support them.
  • Outcomes will be developed to enable the effectiveness of the service to be measured.
  • It is common for service users to want to maintain or increase their current levels of independence.
  • We will work with the service user, their family and others involved in their care to identify ways to support this.

Dementia Champion

  • Within the Group we are proud to have 2 “Dementia Champions” who are responsible for:
  1. Delivering dementia training to our workforce
  2. Producing and distributing information leaflets
  3. Linking with local branches of the Alzheimer’s Society to promote their services and discuss ways in which our specialist dementia services can be developed.
  4. Raising awareness
  5. Providing information and signpost resources and services for service users and their families.

We have provided specialist end of life care and palliative care to many service users and those with terminal illnesses. We recognise that it is important to people that they are able to choose to die at home in comfortable surroundings and we are committed to providing services that offer this choice, sensitively and responsively at times of need.

Our End of Life Care Strategy promises to:

  • Work in partnership with other agencies to provide joined up services and minimise the intrusion into the service user’s life
  • Respond quickly to requests for end of life care services and adjust the service as required as the service user’s needs change
  • Involve the service user and their family in the assessment and planning for the end of life care service. Ensuring they are able to make choices and decisions about the care they receive and to express their wishes about how they would like their body and possessions to be handled after their death
  • Seek advice and opinions from palliative care professionals as required during the assessment process and throughout the care service
  • Support service users, carers and families to access information about death and dying
  • Ensure service users have a dignified death
  • Train staff to support services users respectfully and to meet their needs for dignity, privacy and comfort.

TLC Homecare are the preferred provider for 2 extra care schemes across South Yorkshire and we are proud to partner with Chevin Housing Association.

All the schemes we support are purpose built developments especially for the needs of older people who wish to continue to live independently; whilst having the added security of a range of support services should they be needed.

We provide a full range of care and support needs and have a team committed to delivering skilled care and support.

With over 160 self contained apartments across the schemes we support, we have the experience and knowledge to help deliver the right care solution for you.

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